February 11, 2009


People says.. everything happened for a reason.. I knew it.. I just knew it.. (although it takes quite sometime to understand and be tough).. and now i am so thankful of what i've been through.. to get all this.. and i hope blessing from all.. for me to try harder to remain this happiness.. for our small family.



Azie Rad said...

Alhamdulillah...setelah apa yang huda harungi dan pelbagai cubaaan dan dugaan, akhirnya huda telah mengecapi kebahgiaan.Dhia will be happy to have a complete family. Azie sekeluarga akan sentiasa doakan kebahgiaan huda dan suami akan berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat.

Ehh...mana gambo kawen lagi?? upload lah lebih sket. We want more!! we want more!!!

Lovely us said...

muahahaaa..sabar...sabar... jap lagi huda update... tq ye aziee.... :)