February 29, 2008

February 28, 2008

Happy birthday to me...

I'm a year older today... Hihi....dah tuo ke makcik tp oklah tu.. syukur alhamdulillah..still sihat walafiat.. and still ada org kasi pressie... Realy realy appreciate it.. Sgt bermakna.. last nite kol 12 tgh tidur pun still ada org gegar pintu(my housemate yg comel la).. sbb nak kasi pressie... sgt sukati..Igt tk merasa lagi semua benda tu. Meh saya tjkkan hadiah yg sy dapat... tp telekung ila kasi tk sempat nk snap lak pagi td:
From azurt.. my housemate... I likee:

Anuar Zain from dearie sis.. sgt suke... Dh lama aim:

Nice cute hat from Fid...comeynya.. tq Fid!!:

Ini mustila saya yg membeli... baru 2 bulan.. leh kira as birthday gift gak ar...

Aksi sesaje... hehehe

To all who gimme calls, smsess, pressies, treat... thank you so much... Now I know a lot of people love me out there.. I just lost 1 love that I shud not regret of losing it and still in return i get a lot of loves.. I still have Dhia(my baby).. still have Bella (my car..hihihi)... mama... papa... family... frens..relatives.... then there is nothing much to worry about(adakah menyedapkan hati?)... being one year older with a lot of experience that I'd never imagine I will go through just make me more stronger... Just keep give me full support ok...

"Happiness is not found at the end of the road, it is experienced along the way. So take not for granted each moment of your life and you will find a reason to be happy each day."

Happy working ok! And Happy birthday to me.... :p

February 26, 2008

Love undercover

Semalam mmg igt nk tidur awl akan tetapi terlayan pulak love undercover di TV3.. dh la mmg jiwang dgn daniel wu.. sekali tgk love undercover terus 20x jiwang lagi.. huhuuhu... kenapa dia comey sgt dlm citer tu ek..ada ke character mcm Au Hoi-Man in real life.. I hope so.. damn cool.... nk tidur siap berangan dating dgn daniel wu.. ok.. jgn jeles.... CNY ari tu tgk dia berlakon New Police Story.. itu pun sgt comey... nk usha dvd love undercover2 lah ... leh lyn jiwang lagi...


Anyway happy working.... :p

February 25, 2008

Almost 7.33pm

I'm still at the office.. waiting suraya perform her maghrib..so I take this oppurtunity to blog... Actually baru habis tolong dia setelkan buat agreement for our contractor.. not fully finished tp better than nothing la kan.. kalau balik rumah pun dhia tiada.. buat cedey je.. mesti melayan perasaan.. terigt kan si comey tu.. so selagi ada kerja stay ajer.... pehni nk p mamam tomyam.. somewhere around PJ.. yelah.. yelah.. p amcorp mall.. hihihi.. kan senang cite..

So wishing a very good night everybody.. hope you all have a wonderful nite.. yang penting rehat secukupnya sbb esok kita akan bekerja balik.. cari nafkah hidup.. betul kan :)

Sunway Pyramid

Last friday after worked I fetched my mum and dhia and straight away heading to Sunway Pyramid. Last treat before send mama and dhia to kuala pilah on saturday.. We also want to buy some pressie for angah.. her birthday is on 24th february.. Happy belated birthday angah... Had dinner at Laksa Shack..Dhia managed to finish almost one bowl of lontong and still cn drink a bottle of milk on the way back home.. hehe.. dasyat x..

So here is the pics of dhia enjoying her moments. Surprisingly tgh2 excited snap pics dhia, ada pulak kapel yg menyibuk nk tgkp gambar ngn dhia jugak.. dhia ok je.. lepas tu dia siap main bola ngn anak punjab sgt comel ok.. ni pic punjab boy tu...

So... that's for friday... mlm tu balik2 je dr sunway..tidurkan dhia .. then mama n I start to pack and load brg2 dlm kete sbb esok senang terus balik ajer...

Pagi2 sabtu around 930 am kami dh gerak balik.. lepas breakfast dkt McD tol Sg Besi.. kami pun gerak ke seremban..singgah dkt Seremban.. beli sayur.. otw nk ke kuala pilah ada stall jual sayur2 segar dan murah.. mmg selalu singgah kt situ kalau balik dr KL.. then singgah pulak kt Ulu bendul... beli lauk.. sbb tk sempat nk masak dah.. sbb lepas tu kami terus ke hospital.. tgk nenek saudara admitted... luckily dia dh boleh discharged hari tu.. kesianla tgk org duk hospital.. kena cucuk sana sini.. tk sanggup you... around 130pm baru la smpi rumah.. kepenatan la pulok.... tmbh lagi penat.. papa request masak lemak cili api ayam kampung.. rindu masakan mama la tuh sbb seminggu tk rasa mama masak... huhuuhuhu

So ahad... sy balik KL dgn hati yang suram.. leaving 2 wonderful princess in my heart.. Kesian mama .. tk sihat pun kena jaga dhia... mama.. u hold on ok.. I will repay you.. soon... real soon...

Ok guys... nak smbung kerja pulak..

Happy Monday Bunnies....... :p

February 21, 2008

Mari menjawab call...

Ari ni kena standby jawab call dr bilik2 gerakan (igt parti2 yang bertanding je ke ada bilik gerakan.. company I pun ada gak.. huhuhu) di seluruh malaysia.. related dgn general election gak sebenornya... Kami dh buat duty roaster.. and hari ni sy n shani (ofismet) on duty.. yeay.. seronok ker? x besh gak sbb tak duk kt pc sendiri.. tk conok arr..layan emails pun pakai webmail ajer... mmg tk besh... bak kata pepatah.. hujan emas di negeri org.. hujan batu di negeri sendiri.. lebih baik di negeri sendiri.. muahaha... boleh ke mcm tu...
Smlm sy EL.. jaga mama sy(ank mithali.. lalalalalaa).. tekanan darah tinggi dia naik.. risau gak sbb tgk dia lemah. bahaya tau.. silap2 boleh kena strok... sy doa byk2 gaklah.. cukupla dugaan sy setakat hari ni.. jgnla tmbh lagi buat masa skrg sbb mcm tk mampu nk tanggung lagi.. cedey..cedey tp I'm strong ok... mama Dhia kenala strong.. sbb nak jaga Dhia and my mama... so smlm sy jadi babysitter and buat seme kerja... plus bw depa p jog kt Taman Jaya... mama getting better n sempat mem'pau' sy cover hp yg gedik... n sy haruslah mem'pau' diri sendiri cover hp yg gedik jugak termasukla jam yg comey..x mahal pun.. rm7 ajer.. jgnla kata sy membazir... saje soka-soka reward pd diri sendiri setelah penat menjaga mama... Kejadian pau - mengepau ni terjadi setelah balik dr jog.. FYI, depan rumah sy tu.. terhasilnya kedai2 gediks and mini2 mart bagai cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan... kwnsn kedai yg baru itu menyebabkan mama sy sembuh dgn agak cepat... lega gak ler...
Ok lah.. tk sempat nk upload pic jam baru n cover hp.. later ok.. malam ni kalau rajin nk bw dhia n mama p ofis... tgk k ida buat kerja smbil tjk kt mama ofis baru sy..

February 19, 2008


April ni saya akan ke langkawi dgn kawan ofis.. tp yg pening tu skrg ni pun byk hotel yg kami tgk dh fullly booked. Aduh.. baru february seh... taknak cr hotel yg mahal sgt sbb pastu nak g vacation dgn family pulak.. tp mmg tk sbr nk g langkawi ni.. last time p time matrik.. kesian makcik ... huhuhu.... nk survey perfume n chocs kat duty free island ni... pehtu pikir nk melancong ajer.. nk p underwaterworld and pulau2 kecil dkt sekeliling langkawi tu..

Ngn family seakan berjanji utk ke terengganu.. nk jalan2 kt masjid2 yg baru siap tu.. sambil2 'membeli sesuatu'=shopping di pasar payang.. sgtla indahnya...so tgh mencari tarikh yg sesuai sebelum or selepas pergi langkawi.. best best...

February 18, 2008


Dalam perjalanan nk ke ofis tadi.. tetiba sy terfikir... if my life will end up as normal or superb ending one... mebbe saya terfikir/berangan sbb tgk rumah2 lawa dkt PJ so it make me think am i will stay in the condo that i'm going to buy 4ever, tkkn tua2 nanti nk duk condo gak.. merasa tak saya travel to Europe, Switzerland, Italy, France... mampu tk beli kereta idaman... BMX5 saya tu.. mcm tk merasa je semua benda tu... xpela.. CNY ari tu dptla p PD and Melaka... berjalan la jugak tu so I shud be thankful for what I have now la kan, nanti rezeki masa depan tk siapa yang tahu...berangan2 dulu udah ler...

Pagi ni ada awareness.. tp masih duk syiok2 blogging...biasala benda baru.. excited lagi....Erm... satg sambung updatelah.. nk concentrate kerja dulu.. tataaaaaa

February 15, 2008

Firehouse - When I Look Into Your Eyes

I see forever when I look in your eyes
Your all I ever wanted. I always want you to be mine
Let's make a promise till the end of time
We'll always be together, and out love will never die

So here we are face to face and heart to heart
I wan't you to know we will never be apart
Now I believe that wishes can come true
'Cause I see my whole world.
I see only you

When I look into your eyes
I can see how much I love you
And it makes me realize

When I look into your eyes
I see all my dreams come true
When I look into your eyes

I've looked for you all of my life
Now that I've found you, we will never say goodbye
I can't stop this feeling, there's nothing I can do
'Cause I see everything, when I look at you

When I look into your eyes
I can see how much I love you
And it makes me realize

When I look into your eyes
I see all my dreams come true
When I look into your eyes

OhhhhWhen I look into your eyes
I can see how much I love you and it makes me realize
When I look into your eyes

We will always be together, and our love will never die
When I look into your eyes
I see all my dreams come true
when I look into your eye

When I look into your eyes

General Election is coming

Phew... general election is coming... tak sangka pulak company saya terlibat dgn drastic skali..igt terlibat ciput sahaja... erm.. siap kena shift lagi tu... as a 'berkhidmat demi negara' type of person (yeker ni).. i willing to do anything lor..walaupun tk dapat balik on that weekend utk jumpa dhia terchenta..cedey...cedey.. tp dun worry baby... mama will find some day to take leave and we can bawa wan and atok jalan2 lama sket ok baby.. erm maybe maulud nabi nanti ker mama cuti sehari n in return dpt 4 hari off.. hihi..boleh lama sket lepak kt kg.. walaupun before tu terpaksa bersengkang mata utk election... huhuhu..redha shj... So here it goes my shift during the general election:

23th - 25th Feb : 12.00 am up to 8am
07th - 9th March : 12:00 am up to 8am

Alamak.. dah la baru pindah ofis baru dan dengar macam2 cerita (of course yg tk berapa enak ok)... kena stayback gak ker ni.. dah la 3 org perempuan2 jelita shj yg stay back mlm tu.. bukannya tak ada perwira2 di ofis saya ni tp kami ni yg nk merasa stayback.. duk normal hours je busan gak.. inilah masa and peluang yg ditunggu2 walaupun dlm ketakutan .. hihi sape suh gatal volunteer.. haruslah menangkap seorg lelaki utk menemani kaum yang lemah ni... betui kan... and haruslah layan movie dahulu sebelum pi kerja.... yeahoooo.....

Mcmni la lebih kurang tempat baru saya:

More :

Comey tk??

The beginning...

Hi... saya pun tak tahu kenapa saya start blogging.. maybe sbb ramai orang buat blog utk logkan life story diorang.. so it make me feel I wanna start mine..I dont realy mind if there is nobody read my blog but me only more concern on expressing my feeling.. It's released when u cn find a place to burst out those feelings.. what-so-ever... I've tried to release those feelings by driving before this... yup it's realy help.. but to cut cost.. hey.. why not blogging... hihihi
Anyhow.. for those who read this..do enjoy the reading.. but guys.. just to warn that it is never fun reading my blog.. but just give it a try la kan...

So.. for starting saya kena la post my daughter and my pic as well kan..
So this is me:

And this is my beautiful daughter:

Till next post.. enjoy the weekend.. I'm going back to my hometown to see my daughter.. Dhia... mama miss u like crazy... I bring along your drypers and some chocs too.. sgt comel tgk awk mamam chocolate, cant wait to c u baby....